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Staffing Solutions - Welcome to My Place Homecare
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Staffing Solutions

Staffing Solutions

In addition to providing highly trained home care staff, we have identified a staffing shortage within the wider health care industry. To mitigate this staffing crisis, My Place Home Care has partnered with health care services in Ottawa to support their short-term nursing workforce needs.

Our Staffing Solutions Process:

Step 1: Hospitals and aged care facilities can contact us to set up a free consultation/call with the My Place Home Care team to discuss your interim staffing needs. Ready to recruit more nursing staff? Contact us today!

Step 2: We will work together to create a contract that defines the type of staff you require, the amount of time each staff member is required for, and any other stipulations required by your team. We always provide quality staff and flexibility to our clients.

Step 3: The My Place Home Care team will assess your needs against our roster of highly experienced and reliable nurses and care workers to fill your interim staffing needs.

We understand that the end-to-end recruitment process can be very time consuming and it is not always easy to find the right nurse or even support workers to fill your immediate needs. MPHC’s focus is all about making the process as easy and as simple as possible for you. We currently have contracts ranging from a few weeks through to several months for both nurses and care workers, and can provide immediate support when needed.


To book nursing staff or support workers, contact us today at