Monday - Friday 08:00 - 5:00pm

Saturday and Sunday 08:00 - 4:00pm


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Dementia Care - Welcome to My Place Homecare
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Dementia Care

Dementia Care

According to the Canadian institute for health information, “about 1 in 4 seniors aged 85+ have been diagnosed with dementia, seniors with dementia who live at home require support to do so comfortably and Canadians diagnosed with dementia before age 65 face unique challenges.” (  

Supporting a loved one experiencing cognitive change can be challenging, worrisome and heartbreaking. Dementia is a unique diagnosis and requires staff with special training to genuinely support those going through this life experience.  

We pride ourselves on having a team of employees that are:

At My Place Home Care, our Positive Approach to Care (PAC) certified nurse teaches our caregivers advanced techniques and skills to properly understand the different behaviours seniors with dementia may experience. Our approach to supporting people with dementia is rooted in the belief that these diagnoses cannot and should not define an individual.

We pride ourselves on having a team of employees that are:







We are here to help you and your loved ones find a sense of self, practice lifestyle activities that reduce cognitive decline, understand the situation at hand and feel supported and trusted in our care.

As part of our dementia care, My Place Home Care provides a personalized dementia day program developed by our PAC certified dementia nurse. Our personalized program includes options of up to fifty individualized activities and agenda plans for each client integrating and inspiring with therapies such as art, light, music, exercise, cooking, reading and more. The process starts with the collection of as much information as we can about our client using the client’s life story process where we inquire about many facets of their life. We tailor a personalized program that incorporates how to deal with some of the most common behaviours people experience with dementia.

Learn more about our Dementia Day Program by contacting us today at or by phone at 613-686-6366 ext. 200.