Monday - Friday 08:00 - 5:00pm

Saturday and Sunday 08:00 - 4:00pm


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March 2023 - Welcome to My Place Homecare
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March 2023

Managing chronic pain

Managing Chronic Conditions at Home

Living with a chronic condition can be a challenging and often overwhelming experience. Chronic conditions are defined as long-lasting conditions that can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life. Home care can provide a safe and comfortable environment for individuals with chronic conditions, allowing them to manage their health and maintain their independence.    Identifying the Chronic Condition    The first step in managing a chronic condition at home is to...

Senior Care Home Environment

How to Create a Safe and Comfortable Home Environment for Seniors

As individuals age, it can become increasingly important to ensure that their home environment is safe and comfortable. This can involve making modifications to the home, as well as implementing practices that promote health and well-being. By creating a safe and comfortable home environment, seniors can maintain their independence and quality of life.    Assessing the Home Environment    The first step in creating a safe and comfortable home environment for seniors is to...