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Diet Tips for Seniors - Welcome to My Place Homecare
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Diet Tips for Seniors

Senior Diet Tips: My Place Homecare

Diet Tips for Seniors

Eating well and maintaining a balanced nutrition can be challenging for anyone, regardless of age. Some people find it difficult to eat a nutritious meal every day, and even see three meals a day as impossible. Everyone should eat healthily, but as we get older, the importance of eating well increases. No matter what your age or eating habits are, altering your diet can set you off to a good start to improving your health!

Read nutrition labels:

Nutrition labels aren’t read by most people, so it’s okay if you don’t either. Although, you should still read the nutrition label on every product that you buy when grocery shopping. Despite being marketed as a healthy option, whatever you’re buying could still contain a lot of fat, sugar and sodium that you wouldn’t realize were present if you didn’t read the label.

Follow the recommended servings and Canada’s Food Guide:

You should read and follow many things when maintaining a healthy diet. Maintaining a healthy weight can be achieved by following Canada’s Food Guide and following recommended serving sizes. Consult your doctor if you need specifics about what caters to you personally.

Plan your meals:

By planning your meals throughout the week, it will become way easier to keep following your healthy eating habits. Be sure to buy all the ingredients as soon as possible so that procrastination doesn’t become an option.

Consume more healthy liquids:

A person’s sense of thirst decreases as they age. It is essential to drink water every day. Keeping hydrated throughout the day is important, since thirst will not serve as a reminder to drink water. Keep your reusable water bottle nearby as a reminder. Other than water, one can opt for 100% juice or fat-free milk.

Consider healthy fats:

It is essential that you never cut out fats entirely from your diet. Eliminating saturated and trans fats would be a good alternative. Mood and mental well-being can be greatly improved when you consume monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Avocados, nuts, and fish with omega-3 fats are good choices.

Be sure to confirm with your doctor that these diet tips are perfectly fine for you to adopt.

We hope that you find these tips and recommendations helpful. If you have any questions or feel as if we could include more or better advice, do not hesitate to reach out to our team.

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