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Palliative Care Services What people lose and what they keep

Dementia: What people lose and what they keep

If I knew then what I know now with regards to dementia, I think the relationship I had with my mother would have been very different. I had very limited information on the disease, and I was busy trying to run another company at the time. I was unaware of all the changes my mother was going through. As an example, I really did not know why she was not...

My Place Home Care Ottawa

Home care and/or other housing solutions

Knowing when it is time to use home care and/or other housing solutions It is difficult to know when your loved one needs extra help. It is likely that before your family begins looking for assistance for your parent or loved one, one or many family members are taking on many of the extra tasks that have become necessary for your loved one to live comfortably and safely. These extra responsibilities...

My Place Home Care: Dealing with loss

Coping with the loss of a loved one

Losing someone you love is part of life and how we cope with it will determine how we move forward. There is no timeline for how long the grieving process takes, but there are tips to cope with the loss of a loved one. The way we cope with loss is circumstantial based on the relationship we had with the deceased as well what you personally takeaway from the loss. When...

The benefits of exercise

Importance Of Exercise As You Age

Why is it important? Exercise is an important activity that should be done by everyone, and it becomes even more important as we age. As we get older, activities we have loved to do most of our lives become more difficult to perform. With the help of regular exercise, our ability to do our favourite things can be elongated. Research conducted by the CDC has shown that exercise in general has...

Senior Diet Tips: My Place Homecare

Diet Tips for Seniors

Eating well and maintaining a balanced nutrition can be challenging for anyone, regardless of age. Some people find it difficult to eat a nutritious meal every day, and even see three meals a day as impossible. Everyone should eat healthily, but as we get older, the importance of eating well increases. No matter what your age or eating habits are, altering your diet can set you off to a good...